a creative media collective

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Regal Pines awarded S2 EPPU Rating

Regal Pines’ government supplier registration has been approved with a financial grading of S2 being awarded to the company. The EPPU (Expenditure and Procurement Policies Unit) is in charge of evaluating whether suppliers of goods and services have sufficient financial resources to undertake Government contracts. This award confers Regal Pines the tender capacity of S$100,000.

The status, processed and passed by CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd., will remain valid up to 05 December 2020.

Regal Pines’ registered Supply Heads include:

  • EPU/CMP/10 - Computer Related Hardware, Software, and Services

  • EPU/SER/18 - Service (Advertising, Graphics)

  • EPU/SER/32 - Service (Public Relations, Counselling)



Who are Regal Pines?

Regal Pines is a digital creative assembly, a collection of individuals and partnering business entities that assist one another in creating and maintaining creative digital solutions and services. Reach out to us to learn more about our products and services, and how we can help you and your business succeed at info@regal-pines.com!